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About Me

Home >> Zed’s Blog


Hallo guys! This is a formal personal experience introduction page about me.

Please disregard the personal bio on my GitHub homepage; it’s very informal and quite formulaic. As for why I want to start a blog, maybe it’s just because I admire that all my seniors have their cool blogs. Unlike them, however, I can’t use it to share my study notes for the benefit of future students. So, I really appreciate you reading this far. The content I plan to update in the future will roughly be as follows:

  • Periodic personal growth experiences.
  • Summary of some SUSTech course experiences.
  • Post sharing of some projects. (possibly from the research group or interesting courses)

I am someone with limited capabilities but a strong sense of self-respect, and I don’t have many deep personal traits that need to be understood by others. As long as the world treats me with sincerity, I will respond to the world with sincerity.

What is Zed? He is a hero I really like, a legend who was forced to take on a mission and endure in silence for the greater good of his people. Although he may not appear “noble and just,” or rather seems more like an “anti-hero,” I resonate with his passion and his understanding of loyalty and righteousness.